Saving Money

Family Budgeting With Teenage Children: Getting It Right

Ok, you might wonder... "Why are you writing this when you do not have kids?" Saw this topic somewhere and I thought I might share some helpful information that is practical for all. Even for singles like me. In June 2018, the Philippine’s household debt hit $29.9 billion, according to CEIC Data. Compared to the GDP and external debt, this statistic means that almost every Filipino is living in debt. It is even worse for families with teenagers. This self-discovery journey may be hectic for such teenagers, and expensive for you as a parent. It gets worse if they have this sudden urge to travel, eat, or meet friends or family. But you owe it to them to let them have the best support they can. Nonetheless, do not compromise your financial security. Start by understanding some of the ways you can organize your budget as a family with teenage children. Start With a Comprehensive Budget Plan Creating a comprehensive budget will let you know exactly where every coin is going. To put your family finances in order, start by adding up all your monthly income and subtract recurring expenses such as utilities and credit card debts. The difference should dictate what you…

Sarah Andres, Davao Blogger

Life is so Full of… [Follow Friday]

I did not type in the entire blog title because well, I just did not want to. I want to start off this series with a feature on one of the blogs I really enjoy ready. And because for the remaining weeks of March, I will be featuring women. (Like there's a lot more Fridays left in March.) My introduction has been too long now so let me proceed to what this is really about. I will be featuring blogs, video channels, social media accounts, online series, and other stuff online you should follow. I do not know if people still do Follow Friday but I wanna so I'm gonna. And my first #FollowFriday feature is the blog Life is so Full of... ( by Sarah Andres. Sarah is my top pick for bloggers to follow simply because she writes so well. I wrote a feature on her last year. She was one of the finalists for Davao Blogger of the Year and I quote myself: She rarely speaks but when she does, she does so with conviction. Be it in her blogs or in her personal online spaces, Sarah shares her opinions and ideas clearly and with levity. But…

Dear Love

03/05/2019 Dear Love, I have been meaning to write this for quite a while now. I think this letters to no one thing will be my thing now. It certainly feels like it's what I should do. For me. And maybe for you, too. If you exist. Somewhere. Maybe in the future. But really, I think this is good for me. Anyway, I have not been feeling myself for a few weeks now. Not sad or lonely. More like tired and uninspired. I have so many things to do. So many ideas to put into action. A to-do list like I never had. And I know I should just move forward and do. Act. Not be frozen by my feelings. Mind you, I have also scheduled lots of me time. I have taken rest days. Sometimes 2 days at a time. But somehow it is just not enough. I do not know. Maybe I am just really tired or need something new or exciting to spark something in me. Thing is... there are so many new and exciting things coming my way. So much new adventures (online and offline) that I am working on. And I know that I should…