Watch FindHer by Smart

Watch FindHer to Find Love Online

In this fast-paced digital age we live in, love can either be too easy or too hard to find. Enterprising app developers have invested time and money into online dating apps and social media apps geared towards increasing personal networks and strengthening connections. I have, many times, tried to connect via apps and social media sites. But let's save my misadventures on dating apps for some other time. Watch FindHer Smart's digital video series this Valentine's season explores the joys and perils of finding love online. Entitled "FindHer," it asks the question "Is Love Online?" FindHer Trailer Intrigued? I am! FindHer seems like an entertaining way to spend Valentine's Day. And here I am Valentine's Day... about to binge watch the entire series. A bonus is Dionne Monsantoas Aika. I am a fan of hers. If you're a fellow Dionne fan, leave me a comment. The entire series is now online at Smart's Youtube Channel. Go to this link to watch the playlist of the all 9 episodes. This Valentine's Day, get inspired, laugh, cry, and even get angry with FindHer and other videos. Watch old and new series, movies, and other online videos about love and relationships and…

Dear Love

Dear Love

02/06/2019 Dear Love, It's February. When it's February, I usually do this thing... do a podcast or make a vlog series. I was going to do Vloglentines this year again but I could not. Then I thought maybe I should just do what I feel is easy. You see I was never really good at relationships or commitments. But I was always good at one thing: writing love letters. Maybe because I didn't always have anybody to really talk to. Not that I did not have friends. But somehow I always found it easier to share my thoughts by writing. In journals. In personal essays. Even in school projects. In high school, I would be so busy in February. I wrote love letters. Not just for my crush but for other people. I wrote love letters that my friends would send to their girlfriends or to their crushes or to the girls they are courting. Often, I'd ask them what they want to say. Then, I would take a sheet from my stationery collection. And write as beautifully as I could. Sometimes, they would not even tell me what to write. I just wrote whatever I thought would put a…