I am terribly excited to go to General Santos City this weekend. It's one of my favorite places in the Philippines, mostly because of the people. My friends Donna, Avel, and Orman are just three of the wonderful people who make my every visit memorable. This weekend, I will be visiting General Santos City once again. On Thursday, I'll be taking the bus to Gen San from Davao along with several bloggers from Davao and Manila. And I will be there til Tuesday or Wednesday next week. Long vacation is long! And super exciting! Here are the top 5 reasons why I am super excited: TUNA FESTIVAL 2011 I missed the Tuna Festival last year but I'm not going to miss this one. I have witnessed Gen San's Kalilangan Festival twice and those were fun experiences. This time, I'll be enjoying the Tuna Fest. I'm looking forward to taking peek at the Float Parade and the Street Dancing competition. Two Tuna Festival highlights that I am also looking forward to are the next two reasons why I am looking forward to this weekend. MR AND MISS GENSAN 2011 I have been a judge of the Queen of Mindanao Festivals Pageant…