There was a time when I didn't like bringing calling cards (or business cards) to events and meet ups. I tried to avoid giving away my contact information to random people to avoid being contacted by annoying or stalker-y people. But I have realized that having a business card handy is advisable for people who freelance like me, or who like networking with a lot of people. After all, I get a lot of opportunities just by giving away my card and making that distinct impression on people when I give away my card. My new set of calling cards is by April of Artisan Design Studio. I had her print a two-sided card for me. On one side are my credentials as a member of Junior Chamber International Davaoeña Daba Daba along with my relevant contact information, my photo, and our organization's website. It uses a generic JCI business card template. On the flip side, I have a bit of my credentials as a professional blogger, as a social media consultant and marketing officer, and as a lifestyle columnist. Under each specialization, I put in the organization where I am associated with and the link to that organization's blog…