This is a very belated birthday / year in recap / thank you post. I have had one of the best years of my life since I turned 27 last April 28, 2009. But it was also the year of a major heartbreak and a big change in my online life and work. It also saw me change in size, in the work I'm doing, and in the skills that I have. It was definitely a year of changes. Join me as I run through the events, people, and things that made my 28th year very memorable. :) My 28th year started out in a bad way. I just came out of the hospital and I was starting to have an on and off / complicated relationship with somebody. The hospitalization made me take care of myself more and I realized how much people care for me. Got sick again with a severe asthma attack later during the year, but it was nothing compared to the pharyngitis. The relationship? It made my year extra interesting and emo. Due to my illness, I lost a lot of weight. As in a lot. From waistline 38 down to 29. But I didn't…