Here are some passages from Rene Lizada’s column Papa’s Table, entitled “Greater Things” published March 28, 2007 in Sun Star Davao:
Only insecure parents demand total submission from their children. Unfortunately there are too many parents out there who have an iron fist when it comes to their children. Strange but true they treat their friends better than they treat their family….
As parents we can only step aside and let our children take their lives in their hands. Free from demands and judgments, free from biases and selfishness. We cannot chain our children with our lost dreams for they have their own tomorrows to build. We cannot limit our children to what we want for they know what their hearts wish for. We cannot hold on to our children because they are not ours. And, even if we have to let go, we do so with a silent prayer that all will be well and true for them.
Because they will see greater things and do greater things. If we are true, they will be greater than us and that will be our reward. And, legacy.