...with Kim Sam Soon :) I have been obsessing over the Korean Drama "My Name is Kim Sam Soon." I already liked it when I was able to watch a few episodes when it aired on the local channel GMA 7. But I wasn't able to watch everything. Thanks to the magic of the internet and my Kdrama expert friend Brendel, I am now watching the complete series, with two episodes to go. I am loving every moment of it, except the scenes with Yoo Hee Jin and Doctor Henry Kim. Pft! Otherwise, I love it. <3 In Episode 14, Kim Sam Soon and Sam Shik finally dates, FOR REAL! And Sam Soon tells Sam Shik they should do seven things as a couple. Here's her list... #7 Shopping while holding hands. #6 Photo of Sam Soon's boyfriend on her phone. #5 Take a train ride while drinking beer on the way to Pusan. #4 Say "I love you Kim Hee Jin*" in front of everyone. #3 Get intimate while watching a horror movie. #2 Get couple rings. #1 Introduce each other to their parents as each other's boyfriend/girlfriend. *At this point of the Kdrama, Sam Soon changed her name…
Category: love
Because of One Message
I lost my reason to smile today. I have been waiting for this moment, this chance. But it won't happen. I am helpless, and I don't know why I even bothered. There will be other chances, other moments... I hope.
A Letter So That People May Know
Dear Person, Please don't give me anymore reason to spew out more truths about you or to name who you are because we both know very well you have nothing against me. While I, I have every ammunition there is. Please stop acting like we are the ones making you "api." Coz nobody is buying your b*llshit. A lot of people have witnessed first hand how much of an asshole you are and how unprofessional you are. Not to mention an attention whore who loves hogging all the credit. I have always wondered why you don't have permanent friends, and love to cling to people who obviously don't enjoy hanging out with you all that much. NOW I KNOW. You think the lies you have spread about me won't reach me? I'm sorry to tell you, my influence and radar reaches far and wide, even if I don't try. Yes, I might have found you annoying and yes, might have even hated you from the start. But I have never disrespected you, never acted out of spite against you, and never even spoke in public about it. Because I know our personal rift is not for the public to know…
Julie and Julia… and Me
Just came from watching Julie & Julia, based on the book with the same title by Julie Powell. Needless to say, I love it. It's not about cooking and baking. But love and passion. I can so totally relate to the movie... with cooking, baking, and blogging all in one movie. But I'm sure a lot of people will also love it and can relate to it. Both Julia Child (Meryl Streep) and Julie Powell (Amy Adams) both dedicated themselves to cooking not for the sake of cooking, but because of love. They were both passionate about different things. While focused on different things, their passions brought them to food and cooking. I share their passion. Passion to cook and bake, to serve the best there is to the people who matter to me. I've been told (more than once, sad to say) that I am addicted to baking and cooking. And I am. I am addicted to making the delicious pastries and meals. And I am passionate about writing and blogging, as well. And I was able to relate to Julie saying that she might have ADD. Coz I feel like I am like that sometimes. Interested and wanting…
Amazed at Love
I am amazed at how love works. Among the billions of people in this world, one person finds and chooses another. Who, in turn, finds and chooses him. Amazing! Billions of people. Each unique. In seven continents. Separated by oceans. And yet people find each other. Some, have known each other for a time and suddenly realize that they love each other. But others, through serendipity, forces of nature, and chance... Even when the odds are against them, they somehow find each other and choose to be together. I find love, it's oddities and complications, and everything in between very puzzling. A mystery. Perplexing and yet very inspiring. Stories of friends, relatives, clients, and random strangers vary. From the simple to the epics. Each one different. But all of them end up somehow finding the one who is also looking for them. Amazing! Post inspired by my cousin's marriage proposal made of FAIL but full of LOLS! Congratulations to Brian! And lots of good luck to Aimee! :) Dili pa too late to back out. HAHA!
5 Months Since
5 months ago, our paths crossed. And it has been a very bumpy ride. There are a thousand reasons not to love you, but I still choose to remain here, alone in my commitment to you. Not blind to reality but hoping against hope. If I were a pious person, all my prayers would be about you, for you... but I am not pious. If I were a believer of fate, destiny, and signs, I'd be holding on the to faith that somehow, things will go my way. But I am not a believer. All I have is hope. Hope that either I will get tired or that you will give us a chance. And I will hold on to that for as long as I can. Whichever comes first, I hope it will make me happy. It's been five months. But I am not tired yet. Not yet.