I am sick. Yesterday, I already had a headache so I took one paracetamol. Lo and behold... I am allergic to paracetamol so big blotches formed on my eye lids and the area under my eyes. To make matters worse, it became hard to breathe. So I had to take both an antihistamine and an asthma medicine. GRRR... I just slept the entire day today. Woke up at around 4 pm and now I'm working na ulit. Already feeling better but not yet 100% well. I am already allergic to mefenamic acid, ibuprofen, and aspirin... ngayon naman... pati paracetamol. ANG SAYA-SAYA!!!
Category: life
I Miss Blue Skies Katipunan!
I was chatting with a Manila-based gamer last night. When I learned that he regularly plays at Blue Skies Katipunan, I suddenly felt sad. I miss that place. That's the place where I used to live. It was my home for a number of months before I came back here. All the bantays there already knew me and would give me the best units. The night guy there would give me unit number 1. Back in 2004, unit number was the only unit with a PLDT internet connection. All the other units were connected to Bayantel. It was the fastest unit. It was beside the counter/cashier's table. I would play hours of Warcraft: Frozen Throne ladder games there over Battle.net. Once I stayed there from 10 pm until 2 pm the next day. Huhu... I miss that place. If I go back to Manila for vacation, I will make it a point to visit that place.
WANTED: Boyfriend
Since my life and my blog is kinda boring once again... it's time to write about the non-existence of a significant other in my life. Earlier, a guy friend told me I should find a boyfriend to make my life more exciting. GANUN?! So ito yun eh... Kasi boring na life ko... no DotA Tournaments and other events in the horizon, no blogosphere intriga to be intrigued by, no energy to be emotionally involved in political issues, work is draining the fun out of me, and dieting is driving my vices away... I am now open to dating guys who are single (read: NOT MARRIED! NO CURRENT GF! NOT HUNG UP ON HIS EX!). They are not required to be uber-hot, but they must be interesting to talk to. He must be at least 18 years old, and not older than 30 years old. And he must be based in Davao City or willing to travel to Davao City to meet up with me. Of course, the guy... must be willing to date me rin ha. :P (Edited August 21, 2007, 10 am) The guy must not be the "jealous" or controlling type as I am the type of girl…
Drunk at 8 pm!
Not really drunk but was tipsy... HAHA! Still... It was fun, fun fun! After my bet, CORPOration lost to their rival Ch¡ll, the CORPO boys invited me to eat dinner outside the NCCC Mall. It was Saturday night, the Kadayawan Night, and there were numerous barbeque/inuman booths outside the mall. Jay, Chian, Duke, Badz, and Jeztah were with me. Jay asked me if I wanted to drink beer. And I did so I told him to go ahead and order beer and some pulutan. But when the Red Horse Grande arrived... it was just me and him doing the inuman and the others were eating dinner. So after a few shots... I have already feeling a bit dizzy and tipsy. Nohooo... very embarrassing! To make matters worse, the Ch¡ll boys, arrived to witness my embarassing moment. I didn't really do anything stupid but it was embarrassing to be intoxicated among wayyy younger guys. They were joking and continue to joke that I'm weak at inuman. And I am. HAHA! At around 10 pm, I was back to my normal self. Buti na lang... At around the same time, our event resumed with the awarding of prizes. After which, Jay, Badz,…
My day so far
Slept at around 4 am... Woke up at around 9:30 am... Couldn't go back to sleep... Already at the office... Third day with not much sleep... Hungry... Tired... Thinking of too many things... Head pounding with pain... Back aching but I don't know why... NOHOOO!!!
If you say…
...are you (referring/talking to a married guy) sure you are not related to anybody here? I think I saw you with Ria once. (Not a direct quote but paraphrase of what was actually said.) Doesn't that imply that you think I am somehow related/involved with that married guy? The guy already said he is not related to anybody in the group and yet you ask that question. That line of questioning can only imply that you are doubting his honesty and you think there is something we are hiding. Doesn't that imply that you know how I and the guy look like?