One of the more famous DotA battlecries nowadays is "Go Bords!" The expression was made popular by Talibong1's super funny 300 spoof videos over at YouTube. Nope, I don't really speak or understand Ilonggo but I do speak and understand Bisaya so I understand most of the dialogue. :P Benjo Mangayo Kog Kwarta (Benjo, I Want Money) Benjo Kag ang Batalyon Pitbull (Benjo and the Pitbull Battallion) Benjo Ang Paglalakbay (Benjo's Journey) - last part CLEAN CUT! KICKING FISH!!!
Category: life
I Wanna Tango…
Well, not really. But watching these clips from Chicago and Take the Lead mesmerize me...
I didn't post anything about the death of Chris Mendez. He allegedly (MOST LIKELY) died due to hazing. I didn't write or post anything about it because I felt like there's nothing more that can be said about it that others haven't already written or posted. But this post is just begging for a reaction. The blogger is apparently a part of the Sigma Rho Fraternity. And here's part of what he wrote... Oh God, I could write an entire book about the frat and if there's one thing that I'm sure of, people- the Sigma Rho fraternity in particular- are not out to kill you during an initiation and bruises (I couldn't wear jeans for two weeks because my legs were swollen) are basically superficial. But it's a risk on your part and it's a personal choice to take that risk. It's like bunjee-jumping or climbing a mountain; you really can't say how your body will take the physical and psychological stress, which when pushed to the extremes can be life threatening and even fatal. I'd say that Mendez took a risk and lost. There's so many things, so many arguments, so many points I could raise right now...…
What Do You Do…
...when you try to be controversial but nobody thinks you are??? You post something you think will start a lengthy discussion leading to you and your blog's popularity. But then, nobody seems to think you are worth their two cents. Wawa ka naman... Try another topic na lang po.
Damn... I have a headache right now and I can't really do anything about it because I'm allergic to all kinds of pain relievers: mefenamic acid, ibuprofen, aspirin, and even paracetamol. WHY? WHY? WHY?!!! My head is pounding, add to that the multitude of tasks and problems I have to think and worry about. Huhu... Coffee is not working.
Jojo's Beautiful Girls
In response to Sean Kingston's Beautiful Girl, Jojo remakes the song... {Video is made by DuhSoooHardcore.} BEAUTIFUL GIRL remake by Jojo Im way to cool for ya boy Thats why it'll never work I'll have you suicidal suicidal when I say its over. Damnn all these beautiful girls who only gunna do ya dirt we'll have you suicidal suicidal when I say its over. I remember when I was hanging with my friends thats when I caught your eye, you thought that I was fly right then you wish that I would be your baby (be your baby). You tried to spit some game asking me "girl whats your name?" All the Ice up on your chain , so i would do the same. something tells me that we'd have fun together.(fun together) I ain't easy to find, I am one of a kind Ohh when I dutty wine just know your on my mind. tonight is yours, but tomorrows for another guyyy. Im way to cool for ya boy Thats why it'll never work I'll have you suicidal suicidal when I say its over. Damn all these beautiful girls who only gunna do ya dirt we'll have you suicidal…