The other night, as I was watching TV, random memories came over me. As a kid, I had nightly routine. At around 6 pm, I had dinner with my family. I was a picky eater back then. I didn't eat much veggies. Potatoes, to me, were considered as vegetables. Like most normal kids, I loved fried food... fried chicken, hotdogs, pork chops. I didn't like saucy dishes or soups. When soup is served, I only got the potatoes, and a lot of rice. I would then drown the rice in soup. But I loved Maggi Instant Noodles. I loved instant soups in general. Other soups, however, like sinigang and nilaga, I wasn't fond of. But I did like Bulalo. After dinner, Mommy would then have me and my cousins drink our vitamins. Back then, there was only Enervon-C. So for the longest time, I thought it was the only kind of vitamins in the world. So when we learned about vitamins in school, I got really confused. LOL! Anyhow, I loved the taste of Enervon-C. It's probably the reason why I love sour, citrusy stuff even until now. Come to think of it, the Ponten Cee tablets I take now,…
Category: life
Life is Dull
Life is boring. It's full of work, disappointment and stress caused by work. Other than work, it's all DotA, poker, blogging, Plurk, and Facebook. In other words, I have been a boring geek. There have been guys, and some flirting. But those have been blah! Boys aren't able to commit. Mebbe not my time for love and romance. What I'm saying is I need something or someone new. I need to discover or try out something different. Something not work, not DotA or poker, not blogging or with my cousins. Definitely not a guy who says and does the right things but can't commit. I don't think I really need a boyfriend, just new people, and new stuff to be interested in. I don't know what I want or need, maybe that's part of the problem. I'm thinking of taking dance classes, something I have been wanting to do for a long time. Also thinking that maybe I should go speed dating again. Maybe I should go out with the guys who obviously like me, but don't interest me yet. Or maybe... You have any suggestions? I like my life now. Not as complicated as it was before. I get…
New Year's Resolutions 2009
Here are some specific targets I have for 2009... Blog more. Target: 4 blog entries a week, 2 vlogs a month. Take dance lessons and attend cooking and baking classes. Have P_____ in my savings account, P_____ in time deposit. Won't get a credit card. Shop less. (Actual amount is in my notebook. :P) Play DotA no more than 3 times a week. Play poker no more than 4 times a week. Buy a better laptop and printer. Move. Lessen beer intake. Maximum: twice a week. Lose weight. Target: 120 lbs by December 2009. Clean and organize room once a month. Hire a permanent assistant. Watch a Filipino movie once a month. Finish reading a book once a month. It's quite cluttered and all over the place but these are what I am aiming for in 2009. Wish me luck! ;-)
How 2008 Changed My Life
Subtitle: An Obligatory New Year Post January The year didn't really start start out with a bang. I was a pretty boring month and one of my more interesting blog posts was a LOL Google Adsense moment. But it was also the month I started on a new business which was jumpstarted by planning and coordinating my cousin's wedding. I also bought myself a belated Christmas gift which has helped a lot in my blogging. February February was a defining month for me. After the success of my cousin's wedding, I decided to do the leap and be a wedding coordinator. It was also the time I tried out and enjoyed speed dating. Hope there's another one this year. March March was remarkable mostly because of work and blogging-related things, but also because I was happy. For the first time in a long time, I was truly happy. I cannot remember why I wrote that entry, but I can vaguely remember what I felt back then. And somehow that makes me happy right now, and gives me hope that I can be where I was back then. Maybe coz it was my ex's and my 6th "monthsary"? No? Thought so!…
Tuesday Morning Musings
It's one of those moments when I feel like I have to blog. There's a big part of me that's happy with the way things are. Work is fulfilling, business is doing well, I have friends, and men... Well, they're raining around me. Kinda. But there's also a part of me, discontent with my life. Like there's something more out there. The feeling of being un-challenged and bored is unsettling. I know I should want and aim for more, for better. Just because I practically have everything I need, I should be happy. Thankful, yes. Content and complacent, no. I know I can do and have better.
Seizing the Day
Opportunities like this, to stand up and be counted, are few and far in between. People often contend there isn't really much that can be done, that what we do is futile, and do nothing to serve the country. This is our moment now, a chance to show and prove that there are more to our words and opinions, that we do not just write for the sake of writing, that we do not speak for the sake of speaking. The things we do are not done to seek attention or prove that we are better or smarter. Rather, we do it because we know we have to. What we are about to embark on might not amount to anything fruitful, but we hope it does. And despite the risks and complications, we will do what we have to do, because it has to be done. It might lead to nothing, but that is a risk we should take, because there is that chance that what is true, right, and just will prevail. That despite the complications and risks, our action will yield something good for the country. And if it doesn't, at least we tried, and tried really hard.…