(without photos) Here's a simple Tuna Recipe for those who are on a diet. This is dedicated to my friend Poyt Ingredients: 1 can tuna in water (NOT BRINE or oil, drain) half a can of mushrooms half a clove of medium-sized garlic, chopped 5 - 10 basil leaves, chpped (depending on how much you love basil) 1 Tbsp Japanese soy sauce 1 tsp Balsamic Vinegar Salt and Pepper Olive Oil Procedure: Heat some olive oil in a sauce over medium heat. Saute the garlic. Do not burn or toast. Add the mushrooms and saute. Add the tuna. Saute. Season with the soy sauce and vinegar. Cook for 5 - 10 minutes while occasionally stirring. Add more soy say and vinegar if necessary. Season with salt and pepper. Transfer to serving plate. Some notes: This recipe does not work with other types of vinegar. Fresh basil is preferred over dried basil. Extra virgin olive oil is healthier than Virgin Olive Oil. Japanese soy sauce is Kikoman. :P Tbsp = Tablespoon; tsp = teaspoon; 3 tsps = 1 Tbsp Happy dieting eating! :)
Category: hobbies and interests
1980s Cartoons Nostalgia
I found this nifty YouTube video with 1980s cartoons... Hay! I miss my childhood! My favorite was Ghostbusters and I begged my Mommy to buy me a Marshmallow Man action figure and got one from "Santa Claus" one Christmas! :D
Davao Bloggers Party 2008
Time to get your hands off your keyboard, and your eyes off your monitor... it's time to get social bloggers!!! What: Davao Bloggers' Party 2008 When: 7 pm, June 14, 2008 Where: Toto's Bar, Casa Leticia, J. Camus Street, Davao City Who: Davao bloggers of all shapes, sizes, interests, platforms, and niches There are limited slots so if you are interested in attending this party, please comment below with your name and blog URL. Cocktails and some drinks will be served FOR FREE! See you there!!! Plus some prizes are up for grabs! See you there!!! This party is organized by Avatar Media, and coordinated by Events by Ria, and initiated by Blogie Robillo. Acknowledgment to the Avatar Team: Ria Jose Andrew dela Serna Blogie Robillo Migs Hipolito Winston Almendras
Things I Learned from Watching 21
I watched 21 with my cousins last Saturday. I was ok, nothing spectacular. I was annoyed by the love angle. Bah! Anyway, here are some things I learned while watching 21: Jim Sturgess eeez hot especially when he plays a geeky guy. (Note to self: Must watch Across the Universe!) Even if I do legal things, I can get the shit kicked out of me by goons. Even if I study/teach at THE MIT, I can be stupid by using OBVIOUS gestures and signals and think I will not get caught. There are smart hawt girls (represented by Kate Bosworth who was annoying in the movie). Hi-tech biometric devices cannot kick people's asses... or can it? I went to the wrong geek school. I should have gone to MIT where people are hot!!! I am geekier than most people. YUN LANG! PS I did not plagiarize or steal these ideas or words. PPSS I am not a plagiarizer.
Marc Abella: Guitarist
We don't want you to think that we have an untalented, unskilled cousin. Marc Genesis Abella is, in fact, a fantastic guitarist. And to prove that to you... I have a clip of his performance with the Molave Junction of the Eagles' Hotel California: It was our niece's 1st birthday turned oldies party, hence, the uber kikay decoration around the place. And it was raining... HARD! Marc is only 14 years old and only started playing the guitar a couple of years ago. The music clip is available here... Marc Abella's Guitar Solo
Manila Ocean Park
I went to the Manila Ocean Park on my birthday with Ate Aileen, Kuya Jay, Miguel, Kuya Andrew, Migs, Blogie, and Winston. Here's a video of the sights I enjoyed... It was definitely a fun experience. Sulit ang P400! :)