8 hours. It was a bad day for the two of us, but somehow we both smiled and laughed through it all. I hope your reason is same as mine. 'Til next week. ;)
Category: hobbies and interests
Dance Performance Made of Pure WIN!
Here's a sample clip of one of the dance performances during the dinner after the Mindanao Bloggers Summit 2 here in General Santos City: The performers are members Teatro Ambahanon of the Ramon Magsaysay Memorial Colleges. It was really a very interesting performance. Skills wise and in terms of atheticism, they really gave a 100%. The choreography was artistic. Kinda shocking, but not too bad. Not for minors, though. DIDYA ENJOY IT?! MORE TO COME SOON! :P
The Night I Used My Baccarat Knowledge For the Good of Mankind
Last Tuesday night, I had a blast at the Digital Filipino Networking Event at the Pantawan Hall of the Casino Filipino at the Grand Regal Hotel here in Davao City. It's not secret I go to the casino regularly with my friends, but usually I am there to control my friends' gambling. After weeks of going to the casino, I was able to finally wield my gambling know-how to help out other bloggers. The night started with a sumptuous buffet of veggies, seafoods, and lechon (roast pig). Then, there was a bit of talk from Tita Janette Toral about the progress of blogging in the Philippines, and the top 100 blogs for 2008. We were quite proud that there was a number of the top 100 bloggers from Davao such as Blogie, Kuya Andrew, and Winston. Then, the fun began. There was overflowing iced tea, and BOOZE. Ten bloggers were then chosen to play in a poker tournament. Me, Kuya, and our other cousin Gwing were all chosen. YEY! Our goal was not to be the first one out of the table. LOL! And we managed to do that. Gwing was the third one out. While, me and Kuya managed…
October 2008 Hair Cut
A few weeks ago, my cousin Gwing and I had the idea to have our photos taken before and after we have our haircut at David's Salon. We are members of the Portraits Studio so we can have as many free photo shoots in one year. And we are getting bored of having our photos taken for no reason. Thus, the before and after haircut shoot idea. Here's a photo of me before my hair cut: And here's the after photo: My "new" hair cut isn't really new since I've had a similar one last December. It's a shorter (below the shoulder) layered cut with side bangs. Maybe next time, I should try out a more radical change. And here's a photo of me and Gwing, with similar hair styles: We didn't plan to have similar hair styles, we weren't even seated near each other, but we somehow both ended up with similar styles. Thanks to the nice people at David's Salon and at Portraits Studio! :)
Watch It, Badet
The lady standing in front of you is Ria Jose ang babaeng di mo pwedeng hawakan kasi baka di mo na bitawan from the Land of Durian and Waling-Waling, DAVAO CITEH! (The lady standing in front of you is Ria Jose girl you cannot hold because you might not let go of her from the Land of Durian and Waling-Waling, DAVAO CITEH!) I am totally stealing that line from Thank You Girls, a movie you must, must, must watch. It fun, funny, and light-hearted with some moments na nagmo-moment. The movie is full of LOL moments, especially the "question and answer portion" of the pageant. It's not just for the badets, it's for everybody. Plus, you get to pick up some very witty one-liners. :) Much love to Charliebebs Gohetia and the DavaoeƱo team that produced this fun film!!! So if you want to know the answer to this question: "If you are a teacher, how would you define the color violet to the visually-impaired?" watch the Thank You Girls, a Davao film, showing at the Robinsons Galleria IndieSine from September 24 to 30. Complete screening schedule available at THE Bakla's blog. Thank you girls! :D
My WordCamp Philippines 2008 Story
There used to be a time when Kuya Andrew would rant about how jealous he is of WordCamps elsewhere. And I would reply with a "WHAT'S A WORDCAMP?!" There was also a time I didn't what WordPress is, or that there were even WordPress.com blogs. And also a time when I didn't even know the difference between Matt Mullenweg and that other famous Matt internet person guy. To me, blogging was all about writing, researching, photos, linking... all the more geeky stuff, I went to Kuya Andrew to fix. Fast forward to 2007. Blogie became friends (sort of) with Matt M. for a Mindanao Bloggers Summit 2007 (MBS1) thing. Because of the friendship, and the huge success we had with MBS1, Blogie thought of the idea of organizing a WordCamp for Davao or Mindanao. Further inspired by our successful trip to Manila for iBlog 4, Blogie decided to rally the troops and convince me, Kuya Andrew, Migs, and Winston to make WordCamp Philippines happen. The pressure to move the venue to Metro Manila was surmounting and we just had to give in. Consultations with other bloggers via IM, Plurk, our blogs, and other means, helped us create, organize, and run…