Making beads accessories, that's something a lot of people already know. Designing them? That's the hard part. That's probably the bulk of what you're paying for when you buy accessories. That's also what I learned during the FunDynamics Beads Accessories Design Workshop with Em Mariano last Sunday. It was very challenging for me, somebody who is not creative at all!!! I was conditioning myself for 9 hours of struggling with beads, pliers, and other materials. What I didn't expect was how much I would enjoy it and how it would bring out my competitive side. Yes, I was getting competitive during a workshop where there wasn't any competition at all. And my short attention span really gave me tons of motivation to accomplish a lot. It yielded for me 2 extra earrings and a prize, a nice brown link chain bracelet. WOOHOO! That day I got to make 1 ID holder, 3 pairs of earrings, a bracelet with cord braided into chain links, and a cellphone charm. Very cute pieces, if I might say so. But more than the extra accessories, I gained new skills, mad skills, if I might say so... and got a bit creative. Thank you FunDynamics…
Category: hobbies and interests
Rico Blanco’s Antukin
I love Rico Blanco. And I felt some sort of loss when he left his former band. He was the heart and soul of the band. But I got really excited when he got back on the music scene via this song... I like the song. And the line "kung ayaw may dahilan, kung gusto palaging mayroong paraan" is timeless. :)
Found Story: Bing Lao's Scriptwriting Workshop
For a film enthusiast with not-so-secret dreams of being a film actress or filmmaker, it is quite exasperating that there are very few local film workshops. I was ecstatic to be informed that award-winning scriptwriter and mentor to rising scripwriters, Armando "Bing" Lao, is coming to Davao City. Among Lao's former students are Jade Castro, Jim Libiran, and Mark Meily. Among Lao's works are Tuhog, La Vida Rosa, Bridal Shower, and Bikini Open, and the classic Saan Nagtago ang Pag-ibig? The last one, being one of my favorite Filipino films, even if I watched it when I was very young. According to Monchito Nocon, Workshop Tour Coordinator, through the workshop, Lao "will expound on what he calls the 'found story code,' a scriptwriting process that Bing says best tells the story of the Filipino reality for it is derived from objects or phenomena found in real life. The different modalities under this code is the real-time mode, dramatic time, poetic time. Bing Lao's Found Story Workshop is part of the ufo Workshop Regional Summer Tours. It will be held from April 12 - 16, 2010 here in Davao City. The workshop fee is PhP5,000. Yes, I am very much excited…
I Want to be Part of the PLDT Watchpad Crew
I saw this online ad saying that the PLDT Watchpad Crew is looking for a new member. And the auditions are online. EHEM! The Blogger / Video blogger wannabe / Aspiring Celeb that I am got super excited because I want to join the auditions. (Please to check my YouTube Page, especially this bidyo made of WIN!) The Watchpad Crew is PLDT MyDSL's very own group of brand endorsers / ambassadors which includes Isabel Oli, Rhian Ramos, and drift king Alex Perez. I have met Isabel Oli and Alex Perez in one of their events here in Davao City and I must say they have a pretty cool job... and Alex and I look good together, noh? Aside from the chance to hang out and work with the PLDT Watchpad Crew, you also get fame, a LAPTOP, 1 YEAR FREE DSL CONNECTION, and PhP 100,000! From being anonymous (not that I am that obscure) to famous! Who doesn't want that? And how does one audition, you ask? By simply following these three simple steps: Log in to Fill up the online application form. Upload a video on why you want to be part of the Watchpad Crew. Easy, right?…
Havaianas Happy Soles
Are you a happy sole? I definitely am one. I love my Havaianas, for one. And I love travelling. Plus, I keep a happy disposition despite all the crazy stuff that life throws my way. So yes, I am a happy sole and soul. :) And I would like to spread the joy by telling you about Havaianas Philippines' search for Happy Soles. They want you to share the happiness too, by telling them how you would make the world happy for one day. And the best answers get to win prizes. And the one who gives the absolutely best and most creative answer gets to go to Brazil. FOR FREE! With 3 of her (or his) friends. HAPPINESS! There are three easy ways to win that prize: by going inside the roving booth which will be in Davao City from April 5 to 11 at the Gaisano Mall of Davao and taping your video there; by visiting, filling out the entry form there, and submitting your video there; or by emailing your entry to with an attached filled out official entry form. But first, you have to make that creative video response to the question, "If anything…
Hip-Hop Classes
I love dancing. I don't think I can ever say that enough. Anyhoo, I risked being humiliated and possible severe muscle pain when I joined my friends at the Project Kool-lab Hip-Hop Classes last Saturday at Metro Lifestyle Fitness Center. It is conducted by the Groove Unlimited Dance Community, headed by Bryan Grandeza. And well, it was not an utter epic failure. Or so I'd like to think. We had fun, yes? And it was very challenging. More importantly, we sweated (is that even a word?). A LOT! Before we proceed, let's play a game of spot the bloggers... We danced or attempted to dance to Janet Jackson's "Daybreak." That entire routine, as choreographed by Bryan, took a few minutes to perform, but it took us more than an hour and a lot of sweat and embarrassment to even just get a grasp of what we're supposed to do. FAIL! LOL! Most of us were cunning enough to stay away and position ourselves right at the back of the more skilled students. HAHA! I'll give you a clue though, I was one of the few wearing p*k-p*k shorts and the other bloggers are in the same group. We're kind of…