Poyt and Kring or Kring and Poyt? The three of us were waiting for our food at Heaven n Eggs and we got bored sooo... TADA! Camwhoring time! Do you see a pattern? A camera + very long waiting time for food + Camwhores = FUNNEH PHOTOS! I miss my Kring and Poyt! :(
Category: funny
Exclusive: Coy and Kring Photo
Winston as Coy and Ria as Kring (FAIL!) LOL! This was taken during our pre-meeting dinner at Boyd's. We were trying out Migs brand new Nokia N82. I fail at being Kring but I shall practice. :P
BoyzTrek Soulja Boys 2
Featuring: Richard King "Rioren" Padama and John Jester "Jeztah" Ching Video by: Ria Jose
The Ultimate Camwhoring Gadget
Everybody knows I'm a camwhore, and being that I would like to have this ultimate camwhoring gadget... LOL! The "inventor" forgot to put a sort of mirror so it would reflect the display so the camwhores would know how the photo would look like.
BoyzTrek Soulja Boys
Starring: Rioren Padama, Jay Arabia, SubangKyut Padilla, Rez Lim, and Khen Dy of teams CORPO and High Special Participation: Jeztah Ching and Chian Coronel as the person who doesn't effin care what people around him are doing... LULS! by: Ria Jose
Something to Make You Smile
You've probably seen this. And it's not totally pc and all... but I want to share this with you. Just to warn those who might not know... the title of the act is "Achmed the Dead Terrorist": It made me smile and laugh. Life is sooo.... weird, and funny! It's also depressing and sad... then again... you can always choose to laugh and smile.