As of this summer, I have already lost 20 pounds. Other people actually noticed the weight loss before I did probably because I didn't exert any effort or do anything special to lose that amount of weight. I lost weight because of the terrible, terrible, terrible amount of work I do. That translates to little time for eating, sleeping and resting and an insurmountable amount of stress. I think the only weight I gained all gathered under my eyes to form eye bags. :( Now I am trying to lose ten more pounds to reach my ideal weight. I actually want to lose twenty more but my cousins say I would look unhealthy already. So right now, Kuya Andrew are having a bet. The person who loses 10 pounds faster will be treated to dinner by the loser. My strategy? Work, work, work. When I work, I don't have enough energy and motivation to eat. Yesterday, it took me two hours to finish a small meal just because I was very busy. And right now, it's taking me a long time to eat a plate of delicious (but not fattening) pasta here at Kasagingan. I also plan to lose weight…