I'm single. Unmarried. No partner. Most years I would spend Valentine's Season dating myself. Obviously, not on the day itself. That's a hassle. Anyway, the past few years I have been spending it here at home. And I quite enjoy it. To be honest, I date myself even on other days. Anytime I feel like it. Here are my Solo Dating Ideas if you want to have a fun and memorable day. What is Solo Dating? I am not even sure if that is a legit term for it but it is the word I use when I go out and date myself. Been doing it since I was in college. And I have been doing it more often now that I am usually just at home. I love eating alone. Watching a movie alone. Basically, treating myself to a fun time. Alone. Before, I would usually do it when I want to celebrate something special. Not necessarily Valentine's Day or my birthday. But anything I want to celebrate. Like closing a client deal. Finishing a project. Whatever or whenever I feel happy. Or even when I feel sad. Preparing for your Solo Date What makes a solo date different…
Category: food

FoodSpotting in Boracay
Have you ever wandered off to an unknown place and thought... "how would I know where to go? Where should I eat? WHAT should I eat?" FoodSpotting Boracay Map Various social media apps and sites would be helpful for tourists or traveling businessmen. Some of these are Fouraquare and Trip Advisor. A lot of social media savvy people get a helpful travel tips from these apps. My favorite among these apps is FoodSpotting. Why? Because my favorite thing to do is eat. During our recent family vacation to Boracay, some of us already had a few restaurants in mind. And Google was also very helpful in suggesting restaurants. The problem really was in knowing what dishes to order from those restaurants. This is where FoodSpotting is helpful. Check out the FoodSpotting map of Boracay above. And this one below that screen captured from the FoodSpotting Android App, using my Samsung Galaxy SIII Mini: FoodSpotting Android App Boracay Map FoodSpotting doesn't just recommend restaurants, it recommends dishes. FoodSpotting not only recommends restaurants, it also recommends dishes. It gives users the opportunity to recommend specific dishes in restaurants by uploading a photo the dish, naming it, naming where it can be ordered…

Why I Love Iloilo
Everybody knows I'm fiercely in love with Davao but if there's one place I'd consider relocating to, it would be Iloilo. Iloilo is a small city with a whole lot to offer. Historical and Cultural Tours I love that Iloilo has a lot of nice architecture and historical places from our colonial past. The photowalk I did with friends was very interesting. We took a walk around downtown for several hours. We had a friend, who's a history nut, do the tour with us and he shared some very interesting anecdotes. We ended up in Fort San Pedro to watch the sunset over Guimaras. Such a beautiful site. And a great place to have your photos taken. Recently, I was able to visit and take a tour of the Camiño Balai nga Bato in Villa de Arevalo. It is a well-preserved house from the colonial times. The Camiños was one of the pioneers in the Iloilo weaving industry. And the entire ground floor used to be dedicated to weavers and weaving looms. Most of it still is now. The modern weavers create various sinamay and other cloths that would make for great Filipiniana wear. The Camiños still live in the…

Five Things to Do in Zamboanga
I was in Zamboanga for a short time and I was only able to visit for a few places, but I enjoyed it and I am looking forward to visiting Zamboanga again soon. Here are the top five things I suggest you do in Zamboanga: Eat Curacha with Alavar Sauce First off, I apologize that I don't have a photo of this delicious sinfully great dish but me and my friends were excited to eat when it was served. So eat we did. Curacha is a crab species common in Zamboanga. It has more meat in the body than most other crab species. What makes the Curacha in Alavar Sauce even better than other curacha dishes is the Alavar Sauce. Alavar sauce is a combination of crab fat and coconut milk. It's a rich rich rich sauce that devilishly good. It complements the curacha well, and it's even great enough to be eaten with just about any meat... even with just rice. Mmm... Visit Fort Pilar Fort Pilar is a remnant from Zamboanga's colonial past. It is now a Catholic Marian shrine and a branch of the National Museum. A visit to Fort Pilar is a great way to know…

Me and the Minute Maid Pulpy Natural Goodness
I just drank a bottle of Minute Maid Pulpy. They say it’s got ‘no preservatives added’. Aw, c’mon…It’s bottled juice. Is that even possible? So I thought maybe... it is true coz ithere's so much fruity goodness in it . I didn’t believe it the first time I heard it’s got no preservatives added. So I read the ingredients (even the fine print) and everything checked out! It really has NO PRESERVATIVES ADDED! That means it doesn’t have ingredients that may turn out to be allergens, or worse...carcinogens! Whew! Now that’s healthy goodness that tastes so good, I... love it because I am allergic to a lot of things and with my illnesses, i have to be careful about what I drink. So okay, it’s got no preservatives added. That’s really good, right? Not just because it doesn’t have those icky, harmful ingredients, but it also means... it's all natural goodness, all natural flavor, all natural taste. So far anyone who still has a hard time believing that Minute Maid has got no preservatives added - meaning it's THAT natural, it's almost like it's plucked straight from the tree, it's just as Mother Nature wanted your orange juice to be,…
Before February 14, 2011
I have gained a considerable amount of weight due to a strong dosage of steroids and well, too much eating. I gained around 20 pounds or around 7 kg. Saaad. I still fit most my clothes but I don't feel too comfortable in my clothes and my look anymore. And I'm not a photogenic as I used to be. LOL! I akshully look good IRL now, more than in photos. Or so I choose to believe. Har! Anyhow, the point is... I will try to lose the 20 lbs by February 14, 2011. January is not attainable because I do not want to follow a strict diet during the holiday season. Hehe! As a start, I have already banned myself from eating instant noodles and chichirya or chips. It's a hard thing to do, but I have managed to follow it for around 2 weeks already. I have also lessened my soda and juice intake, and have resorted to drinking lots of ice cold water, which I love anyway. I still drink coffee and milk chocolate though. I plan to reduce my rice intake as well as my intake of other carbohydrates such as bread (OH MY!) and potatoes. I…