Not content with taking majority of the awards in the 5th Mindanao FilmFest in 2009 for his film "Sandugo," Ronald Gary Bautista entered two films for the 6th Mindanao FilmFest. And once again, Bautista and his Studio Beta Productions took home four trophies. His film, Bakak gave Bautista his second Best Director trophy, the Best Guerilla Film Award, and the Best Film Award. According to the jury, composed of this writer, Teddy Co of the NCCA, and local artist Rudolph Alama, Bakak's technical excellence and innovative story-telling set the film apart and make it stand out from the other films of the festival. Bautista and his film represents the future of filmmaking in Mindanao, one that is creative, excellent, and deserving of accolades from both the critics and the viewing public. Bakak tells the mysterious events that happen when a teacher and his students enter an allegedly haunted building and not all of them survive the excursion. Through the use of a first person point of view in the story-telling, the viewer feels like he is involved in the film. While the film does not highlight Bautista's technical expertise, it shows how Bautista can excellently execute a film. The first…
Year: 2011

Polar Brrr
Dear future boyfriend, KUNG SINO KA MAN! I noticed that people are getting craftier with their pet names for their special someone. Some friends are being too cheesy. Gone are the days of honey, sweetheart, love, mahal, mommy/daddy, and all those traditional pet names. My friends and the guys I date(d) all know I call my boys "babe" or "baby" for uniformity. Sometimes, I use it to make lambing and sometimes just to spite or make fun of the guy. :P But I'd have to call you something else, right? Because you're not just one of those boys. You're special. NAKS! I shall call you "Polar Brrr." And you're required to call me "Polar Brrr" too, ok? Bawal pumalag. Polar bears are cute and cuddly from afar. Like when you're continents away from it. But are actually very vicious and blood thirsty. Rawrrr! I know I don't look cute and cuddly, but I'd like to think I'm pleasing to the eyes, yes? And I have been told I'm malambing when in a relationship. But the real Ria, the one you don't want to bring out, is far more violent and scary than it seems. So I'm kinda like a Polar…

Me and the Minute Maid Pulpy Natural Goodness
I just drank a bottle of Minute Maid Pulpy. They say it’s got ‘no preservatives added’. Aw, c’mon…It’s bottled juice. Is that even possible? So I thought maybe... it is true coz ithere's so much fruity goodness in it . I didn’t believe it the first time I heard it’s got no preservatives added. So I read the ingredients (even the fine print) and everything checked out! It really has NO PRESERVATIVES ADDED! That means it doesn’t have ingredients that may turn out to be allergens, or worse...carcinogens! Whew! Now that’s healthy goodness that tastes so good, I... love it because I am allergic to a lot of things and with my illnesses, i have to be careful about what I drink. So okay, it’s got no preservatives added. That’s really good, right? Not just because it doesn’t have those icky, harmful ingredients, but it also means... it's all natural goodness, all natural flavor, all natural taste. So far anyone who still has a hard time believing that Minute Maid has got no preservatives added - meaning it's THAT natural, it's almost like it's plucked straight from the tree, it's just as Mother Nature wanted your orange juice to be,…

The Last Day by Marilyn Scott
In my old blog, I posted the lyrics to one of the songs I really liked. That was in 2005 and I haven't really updated that blog in four years but the post still gets some comments because apparently a lot of people like the song and have been looking for a copy of it. The song is "The Last Day." Back then I thought it was by Hourglass, a little known band I had watched play the song on Myx. But I have been informed that the song is originally by Marilyn Scott. The song is a bit too sentimental and talks about living one's life to the fullest and shooting for one's dreams. Here is the song: And the lyrics... THE LAST DAY by Hourglass If today were the last of all days Would it change how you feel, who you are? Would you rise for a moment Above all your fears Become one with the moon and the stars? Would you like what you see looking down Did you give everything that you could Have you done everything that you wanted to do Is there still so much more that you hold Follow your dream to the…

Red Rebel Productions’ Eva
Another film in the 6th Mindanao Filmfest that really grabbed my attention and held it was Red Rebel Productions' Eva. Fueled by a simple storyline and strong performances by Ruben Gonzaga and Rochelle Venuti, Eva tugs at the heart of the the viewer. What held me captive was not just the story or the acting skills of the actors, but the excellent production value. The cinematography, sound editing and musical scoring, as well as the editing of the film were all beautiful and seamless. And for that the film won the Best in Production Value Award. With a solid storyline, good actors, and great production value, Eva was also awarded as the Best Workshop Film and was a contender for Best Guerilla Film and Best Festival Film. Congratulations to Red Rebel Productions for the awards and a great film!

A Letter to My Ex Boyfriend
Dear Love, It's past 5 am. Hours ago, I vowed to myself that this year will be better. No more heartbreaks and no more pining for you in 2011. And I think I might be able to make it. It's been 1 year and 9 days since we broke up. But you broke my heart many times before that and a couple of more times after that. You and I know I have been holding on because I love you and I know we'd be great together. If somebody were to ask me years ago even before I met you what kind of guy I'd like to be in a relationship with, I'd probably describe somebody like you: smart and intelligent, tall and kinda athletic, a bit geeky and nerdy, driven, somebody I can talk to about anything I want to talk about. Before you, there was only one other guy who fit my idea of who I should be in a relationship. We were in a constant tango, me and him. As we also were. We had those eight months. I have learned a lot about myself, about life, about love, and what I deserve. It was never easy…