I've heard and been witness to some bizarre and convoluted love stories, and have even been part of a few. I have witness how hearts have been crushed to bits and how some stories do have happy endings. One thing I've learned about life and love is knowing when to say no, when to quit, when to realize that something is too much. In poker, it's knowing when to fold. I've had a friend who tried, for the longest time, in weird and sweet ways, to catch the attention of a girl. He even studied hard and worked really hard just to be on the honor roll so the girl would notice him. He graduated as one of the top ten in the batch, but he didn't get the girl. He loved the girl so much that when his mother told him there are many other fish in the sea (tired cliche, I know), he told her "but *insert girl's name* is the only girl I want." Poor guy didn't know how to quit, and he suffered for it. And then there's this cousin of mine, who after years with being with her first boyfriend, broke up with him. Fact…
Year: 2009
New Year's Resolutions 2009
Here are some specific targets I have for 2009... Blog more. Target: 4 blog entries a week, 2 vlogs a month. Take dance lessons and attend cooking and baking classes. Have P_____ in my savings account, P_____ in time deposit. Won't get a credit card. Shop less. (Actual amount is in my notebook. :P) Play DotA no more than 3 times a week. Play poker no more than 4 times a week. Buy a better laptop and printer. Move. Lessen beer intake. Maximum: twice a week. Lose weight. Target: 120 lbs by December 2009. Clean and organize room once a month. Hire a permanent assistant. Watch a Filipino movie once a month. Finish reading a book once a month. It's quite cluttered and all over the place but these are what I am aiming for in 2009. Wish me luck! ;-)
How 2008 Changed My Life
Subtitle: An Obligatory New Year Post January The year didn't really start start out with a bang. I was a pretty boring month and one of my more interesting blog posts was a LOL Google Adsense moment. But it was also the month I started on a new business which was jumpstarted by planning and coordinating my cousin's wedding. I also bought myself a belated Christmas gift which has helped a lot in my blogging. February February was a defining month for me. After the success of my cousin's wedding, I decided to do the leap and be a wedding coordinator. It was also the time I tried out and enjoyed speed dating. Hope there's another one this year. March March was remarkable mostly because of work and blogging-related things, but also because I was happy. For the first time in a long time, I was truly happy. I cannot remember why I wrote that entry, but I can vaguely remember what I felt back then. And somehow that makes me happy right now, and gives me hope that I can be where I was back then. Maybe coz it was my ex's and my 6th "monthsary"? No? Thought so!…