I hope, sincerely, that you get well soon. I hope you get out of that hospital bed soon because I know you're bored. I hope you feel better soon because I hate receiving worried messages from Tita. I hope you take care of yourself better. Take vitamins. Sleep. Lessen drinking and smoking. And for heaven's sake... start eating like a guy. I hope you do not get that sick again... EVER. I hope you feel better soon, so I'll also feel better.
Month: June 2008
Bi Jay Greg of the Nestea VJ Hunt
You've probably seen this one already. But I just had to post it here, in case I get sad and lonely, I can easily access this bidyo... And I attempt to transcribe... Yo... whatsap whatsap... you're here on the ahhh... sss... On the ahhh Nes... So right naw we are here on the... the sammer... Well, let's telk about sammer. So, it's time to parteh, rayt? Sew what we dew rayt here in sammer... vekayshuns? Akshully we do the uhhh we clean tha bitches, rayt? And, of course before before sammer cams we we do the ahhh we clean the bitches and all the tents are packed redy and you're going to tha malls and achually you're going to buy your favorite swimsuits, especially for the gerls, rayt? And for the boys, you favorite bikini... hmmm... Sew what your waiting for go out to the bitch and try your lack to hab tha bikini bikinis. And I know there's a lat of guys there that you want to have the ahhh the ahhh look at the gerls uhmmm...You know wat you know wat you are looking wat rayt wit your eyes... Sew ahhh... For me, tha sammer mins you're going…
Things I Learned from Watching 21
I watched 21 with my cousins last Saturday. I was ok, nothing spectacular. I was annoyed by the love angle. Bah! Anyway, here are some things I learned while watching 21: Jim Sturgess eeez hot especially when he plays a geeky guy. (Note to self: Must watch Across the Universe!) Even if I do legal things, I can get the shit kicked out of me by goons. Even if I study/teach at THE MIT, I can be stupid by using OBVIOUS gestures and signals and think I will not get caught. There are smart hawt girls (represented by Kate Bosworth who was annoying in the movie). Hi-tech biometric devices cannot kick people's asses... or can it? I went to the wrong geek school. I should have gone to MIT where people are hot!!! I am geekier than most people. YUN LANG! PS I did not plagiarize or steal these ideas or words. PPSS I am not a plagiarizer.
Marc Abella: Guitarist
We don't want you to think that we have an untalented, unskilled cousin. Marc Genesis Abella is, in fact, a fantastic guitarist. And to prove that to you... I have a clip of his performance with the Molave Junction of the Eagles' Hotel California: It was our niece's 1st birthday turned oldies party, hence, the uber kikay decoration around the place. And it was raining... HARD! Marc is only 14 years old and only started playing the guitar a couple of years ago. The music clip is available here... Marc Abella's Guitar Solo
I Just Want to be Happy
I was never a big fan of Sex and the City, (I'd rather not elaborate. :P) but I did watch the TV show, and of course I had to watch the movie. The movie was funny and better than expected. But the editing was... weird! I suspect they censored it a bit to get a R-13 rating. But this post is not really about the movie... While watching the movie, I realized, I don't need anything. I just want to be happy. I don't need a man, a husband, children, success, fame, and wealth... I just want to be happy. I smile a lot, laugh (boisterously) a lot, but I don't think I've ever been truly happy. I'm a big mess and my life is an even bigger one. Sure there have been times when I felt elated, happy at a thought, at a nice compliment, excited by an event or situation. Lately, I've been having more success, recognition, and reasons to smile than I ever expected. But when I go home, I am lonely, a part of me is missing. I rarely cry nowadays. My life has been worse and I think I have been through the worst I…