I was never a big fan of Sex and the City, (I'd rather not elaborate. :P) but I did watch the TV show, and of course I had to watch the movie. The movie was funny and better than expected. But the editing was... weird! I suspect they censored it a bit to get a R-13 rating. But this post is not really about the movie... While watching the movie, I realized, I don't need anything. I just want to be happy. I don't need a man, a husband, children, success, fame, and wealth... I just want to be happy. I smile a lot, laugh (boisterously) a lot, but I don't think I've ever been truly happy. I'm a big mess and my life is an even bigger one. Sure there have been times when I felt elated, happy at a thought, at a nice compliment, excited by an event or situation. Lately, I've been having more success, recognition, and reasons to smile than I ever expected. But when I go home, I am lonely, a part of me is missing. I rarely cry nowadays. My life has been worse and I think I have been through the worst I…