GRAWRRR! Might be not as good as I imagine it to be but what the hell, I SHALL WATCH! The only thing that could have made this a better movie... is if it starred Shea LeBeouf! I miss you Papa Shea!
Month: March 2008
Ria and the Boyfriend Part 4
via SMS Ria: I'm sad. BF: Don't be sad, you'll get older fast. Ria: I'm already old. I hope I don't get older fast. BF: Take Enervon C. More energy... mas happy! LOL!
A Simple Request
I do not ask for acceptance or understanding. I only ask for an open mind. I know it's hard to comprehend what we have, difficult to fathom why I'm in this relationship. I do not have the answers, I do have explanations but this I know, he makes me happy. He understands me, accepts me and all my faults, gives me something I have not felt or even knew existed. He made me smile and laugh again. Yes, our relationship is not perfect. It never will be. It is not ideal. It is something, even I had hard time accepting. But it is real. I might be wrong. It may not last for a long time. I know that. I am prepared for that. But right now, it is what I choose. And I know you are not ready to understand and accept. All I ask for is that you be open-minded to the possibility that I might be right in choosing him, in sticking to this thing we have. I can take the jokes and the criticisms. But I need for you to at least show me that there is room for acceptance that I might be right. I…
Being Zen
Ok so, I am not really Zen and not likely to be in that state of peace and calm. Nonetheless... I had dinner with my relatives because today was Tito Jing's birthday. As it was a family affair, the people I loathed most were there. GRAWRRR! And one of them was especially annoying today. Seeing childish person acting like she has done nothing wrong towards me was damn irritating. Every time I see her and her minions laughing and smiling, I feel not just pain but great anger. Yes, anger. I was going to write a very long angry angsty post again. But why waste more words, energy, and bandwidth on useless crap shit load of people? Well, I know I just did a bit of that and it feels better to unload a bit. HAHA! Anyway, I don't feel much better now. I'm struggling to feel better. Maybe, as Kuya advised, I should really learn how to be apathetic and numb. Hmmm... I am definitely not the Zen type of person. And right now, I am so not in the mood to be the bigger, better person. But hey, I'm doing effin fine without them and their stupid rules…
Happy and Sad
I was at the LandCo Building yesterday for a job interview. I used to work in that building and I was expecting to see some old colleagues and students while I was there. And I was excited about it. When I arrived, I immediately saw a familiar face, that of an old classmate. Weird... After my interview, while waiting for Kuya Andrew to pick me up. I saw a couple of old colleagues. One of them, I was close to. And she's pregnant. I actually knew already that she was pregnant but it was my first time to see her tummy. She was glowing and pretty. I could only wish I would be that pretty IF I get pregnant (millions of years from now). After my colleagues left, my old student Pam arrived. I miss her, huhu... She was happy to see me, and thought I was back to teaching. But I wasn't. Saaad... She had grown so tall and looks more like her sister, Mary now. It has been months since I last saw both of them. I miss them already and their "Wes" and "Kunyangs." I vowed that I would take them out soon.I didn't know I missed…
Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo's New Facebook Profile
BOOO! They took down her old and more accurate Facebook profile. Anyhoo... here's the new (not neccesarily better) Gloria Macapal-Arroyo Facebook Profile... If it's not clear... here's a few notable tidbits about Gloria... "Gloria is a dwarf with a mole." Activities: Cheating, lying, stealing, killing, and having long, meaningful conversations on the phone (Hello, Garci!) Interests: increasing my wealth at the expense of, well, everyone Favorite Music: Britney Spears, Wham!, Beethoven Favorite Movies: Anything with Fernando Poe, Jr. Favorite Books: The Prince, Mein Kampf, Gloria Wears Prada Favorite Quotes: "That is the president's voice, but that's not the president speaking" - Mike Defensor About Me: I'm sweet and charming, I pray constantly. I don't have time for politics, I'm focused like a laser on keeping the economy running. LOL!