Thanks to Aileen Apolo for posting this on her blog: It's the Alanis Morisette parodying the Black Eyed Peas and probably herself too. I love Alanis!!! RAWR!!!
Year: 2007
Nestle's Nescafe Classic First Pick Coffee
I am a certified coffee lover. I drink my daily coffee black with only one packet of sugar. The more bitter it is, the better. When my cousin Luan told me about Nescafe First Pick I got excited and I immediately looked for it on my next trip to the grocery. And I wasn't disappointed. Nescafe First Pick is coffee at its best. The aroma itself is enough to wake me up. The taste is divine. It tastes the way coffee is supposed to taste, strong and bitter. Nescafe First Pick is a limited edition product which is available from January to March. It is made from coffee berries picked on the first day of the harvest season. It also bears the Kape Isla seal which means it is a 100% Filipino product. Fortunately, I have enough Nescafe First Pick on stock to last me, I hope until next January. ;)
How Blogs Empower Every Internet User
When people learn that I am a problogger, they usually give me a look that says they don't get what that means. Most people think that blogging is merely for the emo, for sharing thoughts, emotions, the mundane and unimportant. The reality is, blogging empowers. It is beyond merely expressing one's thoughts and emotions. Rather, it is about having a voice and reaching an audience. Janet Toral of Digital Filipino is publishing a book entitled How Blogs Empower Every Internet User. The book is divided into 8 modules in such a way that it can be utilized by schools and other institutions for educational purposes. It is also very useful and a must-have for established and potential bloggers, pro or not.
What is Your Profession?
The last movie I watched in a cinema was 300. And I loved it. My DoTA friends and I have been quoting from the movie. One of the lines we often use is "What is your profession?" This post is not about the movie. Haha!!! This is about me answering the question... Lately, I have been asked by people what my profession is. And I really don't know how to answer that question because... well, I have more than one profession. Tomorrow, I start working full-time as a teacher to Koreans. Last Saturday, I was officially hired as a part-time Marketing and PR Consultant for an IT Firm. Currently, I maintain 5 blogs which also make me a problogger. And then... some people pay me to write for them, which also qualifies me as a freelance writer. So I don't really have just one profession. Why? Because I enjoy all the things I do, and I'm not willing to give up any one of them. I'm weird that way. I'm not exactly what people would call a workaholic, because I don't really consider those things as "work." I enjoy teaching because I love learning new things. And having the chance…
Two Cellphones
I was blog surfing... and I saw this post... and inggitera ako... that's why, I will also explain why I have two, albeit very low tech, cellphones. (I actually have three but the third one is a Nokia 3210 which I use rarely.) I have two cellphones because one has a Smart SIM Card and the other one has Globe. And I cannot live without being "unlimited" on both lines because I have that many friends. Kidding! I have that many contacts. I used to have a post-paid Smart line. But I rarely used it coz most of relatives and friends were using Globe. So I bought a Globe SIM. Eventually, I had to junk my post-paid Smart line. But then, I got the "bright" idea of being an autoload and eload retailer so I bought a Smart pre-paid SIM. Eventually, I got more Smart contacts. It became necessary for me to buy a second phone. So now, I am actively using two phone. How would I compare the two? Well, I'll save that for a later post. In case you're wondering, the third phone has a Sun SIM. But I only have a handful (literally) of Sun contacts and…
What Am I As A "Lover"?
My friend sent me an SMS asking me to pick among these: sun, moon, sky, sand, star, water, fire, ice, and road. Allegedly, what I choose tells something about how I am as a "lover". I picked water. My second choice was moon, and my third choice was ice. The verdict... water stands for iyakin (crybaby). Moon means I'm malambing (sweet), and ice means I'm manhid (numb). So that means... I DON'T KNOW!!! Haha...