Fave Show of the Moment: How I Met Your Mother

I love, love, love it! I'm still halfway through season 1, but I am already obsessed. RAWRRR!!! It's my new "Friends". Nothign still beats the original, but it will suffice. It's funny, and kilig, and funny, and witty, and funny!!! My favorite character is, of course, Barney. He' sooo annoying, yet endearing. HAHA!!! I LOVE! Update: Apparently, this is being shown on ETC on Thursdays I think.

Black Saturday Afternoon with Gwing and Ria

Here I am at my cousin Gwing's house. We're bored. she just finished playing O2 Jam. I have t aken over her PC and now I'm blogging and obssesing over my other blogs. Haha!!! she's just watching Totally Spies on the Disney Channel. Have I mentioned we totally love that show? Hehe!!! I really don't know how I'm gonna spend the rest of this very boring day. Btw, I just walked to and from the NCCC Mall. I got really pissed off coz the stupid TMG moved the pedestrain lane from in front of the mall's main entrance to somewhere really inconvinient. RAWR!!! BOREDOM!!!

Good Friday At Blu Gre

I'm here at Blu Gre Landco with my cousins, Kuya Andrew, Tinky and Dodong. It's one of the very few places open today here in Davao City. We're enjoying free WiFi and basically just hanging out. The picture above was taken by using the built-in camera in my laptop. :D

The 5 Immutable Laws of Blogging According to the Copy Blogger

A lot of people who want to blog, or who want to go into problogging often ask me for tips or advice on how to be successful. I don't really consider myself a successful problogger yet and I don't think I have that kind of credibility. Recently, I stumbled into the CopyBlogger's 5 Immutable Laws of Blogging and I agree with it 100%! The Five Laws are: 1) The Law of Value 2) The Law of Headlines and Hooks 3) The Law of "How To" 4) The Law of the List 5) The Law of the Story So there you go aspiring bloggers and potential probloggers. It seems easy really, and it is if you like what you're doing.