DoTA: Mirrormatch Experiences

About a month ago, I watched a 3 vs 3 mirrormatch game with Barathrum, Alchemist and Drow Ranger as the heroes... and I thoroughly enjoyed it. As in!!! Then, about a week ago, I saw another 3 vs 3 mirrormatch game with Krobelus, Lich King and Barathrum (again). It was so surprising to watch how a relatively better team lost against a supposedly inferior team. The "inferior" team won through a clever strategy which even entailed sort of copying part of the other team's strategy. Haha!!! Moreover, the inferior team had a very, very, very superior Lich King who bullied the other Lich King. Also the "inferior" team players seemed to know the perfect time to Charge, Silence and Chain Frost the other team. Thus... the supposedly inferior team won. Last Friday, my cousins -- Andrew and Gwing -- and I played against each other with our other DoTA friends -- Jan Jan, Dodong, Abdul, Dino, and Seth -- played a 4 vs 4 mirrormatch game. It was I, Dino, Seth, Dodong on one team, the rest on the other team. All I could remember was I and Jan Jan were Pugna, Gwing was Omniknight, and Andrew was Gondar. Early…