Read the third paragraph of this article. The netExpress and boyztrek are the heavy favorites in the cyber game competition considering its vast field of players. Kami? ANUH?!
Year: 2007
Looong Weekend
When was the last time you had a first time??? Well, last Saturday, I got the rare chance to experience another first time. At age 25, I experienced for the the first time, playing in a DoTA Tournament. It was exhilarating!!! My team, Team Juan Luna, joined for the sake of joining. We were composed of four girls, two kids, my cousin Dwer, and another guy. Luckily, we were matched against a "not so good" team during the eliminations. During that round, I played together with Dwer, John, Dodong, and McDo. I played using Warlock which I have been practicing with for the longest time. He's one of my favorite heroes. Shocking! Our team dominated over the other team, and we WON! Unfortunately, we lost to the STQ1 Team during the semis. I didn't play during the semis. My cousin Luan, substituted for me. After the elims, I went to C5 and hung out with my Sequel Juan Luna (SJL) friends... all of them had long hair. Hmmm... Why kaya? Then, we split up for a while. I went to Jimber's Gaming Cafe to support my team (Team Ria Jose, NetExpress Duterte Champs, Haha!!!). They lost to a team from…
On Singlehood {again}
Ok so... people have been asking me why I don't have a boyfriend. I really, really, really don't know the answer to that. Maybe they should ask the guys around me. I do have a lot of guy friends. But I don't have a boyfriend. Do I want one? Probably... not. Ang dali lang magka-boyfriend no... kung gugustuhin talaga. Daming pwedeng landiin. Daming pwede utuin, ialipin, at patulan. The question is... What kind of boyfriend do I want? My real problem, I think, is I don't seem to meet the kind of guys I'd want to date. Why? Because I don't have a social life. My life consists of work, hanging out with cousins, work, DoTA, work, internet surfing, work... you get the idea. Apparently, guys aren't keen on approaching girls who hang out with other guys, or with their cousins. And... yeah, I do meet a lot of guys through the internet and through DoTA... sadly, they're not my type. HAHA! No offense to my internet and DoTA friends. :D And most of my workmates are females. Moreover, I'm a snob. Yup, more than a dozen guys have told me they were either annoyed or scared of me when…
When discussions start about my singlehood, people always blame it on my katarayan... and my apparently super long list of qualifications. Para matapos na ang diskusyon, eto na ang partial list of the things I'm looking for in a guy: (in no particular order) 1. must live, or willing to live in Davao City 2. has a life/career plan (ie may direksyon sa buhay); preferably a college graduate already 3. IQ above 110, bonus if he likes geeky stuff and loves Math and/or Science; bonus rin if he knows how to speak, and write in English well 4. 20-30 years old 5. decent-looking, at least 5'3"... I usually go for the tall, dark and handsome ones... 6. must like texting; di ako paaantayin ng reply na walang kwenta 7. must enjoy surfing the net (not to watch porn ha); knows how to use YM; bonus if he's a blogger :P 8. can carry an intelligent conversation about politics, books, movies, etc 9. must be patient 10. must love music, movies, books and watching TV 11. must be a GOOD DoTA Player (or at least enjoys playing DoTA and other such games) 12. must have principles 13. environmentally-concerned 14. responsible, patient,…
Oo, I'm hurt
Yes, I didn't and wouldn't want to go... But still... would have been nice to be invited or at least informed.
I'm back to being a part-timer at the Language Center. But I'm busier than ever! RAWR!!! There's so many things to do... so little time to do it. Tom, I will have a planning session with Kuya Andrew. On Wednesday, I have a meeting with my cousin, and possibly a photo shoot. On Thursday, I have a session with a client. On Friday, I will be working at a client's office. And evenings, I will still be working as a tutor. :D