Several nights ago, I didn't sleep at all. Instead, I toiled the entire night crafting gift baskets which were to be given away to the then newly inaugurated vice-mayor and city councilors. Here are some of the snapshots of the precious, precious work that I did: Nice ba??? I know the baskets were not all perfect or as pretty as I hoped them to be. But a lot of people appreciated and praised it. It contained mango squares, food for the gods, banana bars, and oatmeal cookies. So why did I spend an entire night slaving away to decorate gift baskets full of pastries? It's my client's way of spreading the word about their pastries. I believe that the best advertising tool is good, quality products, and the best way to market them is to hand them directly to potential customers. While my client would sincerely want to congratulate the vice-mayor and the councilors through the gift baskets, it is also our way of slowly, but surely, putting our pastries back into the consciousness of the city. Now, if only those who received it with all the delicious pastries inside would order already so I can really consider it a…
Year: 2007
Another Meme…
Lattex tagged me. What makes your blog unique? It's all about me. And I am unique so... my blog is unique. When did you start blogging? 2002 in LiveJournal. What do you hope to accomplish with your blog? Just to share who I am, what my life and work are, and other things I want to share. What are your feelings on the “blog popularity” issue? Of course I care about my blog's popularity. It would be hypocritical of me to say that I don't. But it's not the primary reason why I blog. What’s your favorite childhood memory? My favorite childhood memory well... I don't have one specific favorite memory. I love most of my childhood. Are you a spiritual person? Yes, to a certain extent. Do your moral values affect the way that you blog, and if yes, how? I blog according to who I am. And my moral values are part of who I am. But I am not preachy or self-righteous (I think). I am tagging Kuya Andrew, Blogie, Raine, and Kim.
8 Secrets Meme
Kuya Andrew tagged me for this meme. First, here are the rules: - Each player must post these rules first. - Each player starts with eight random facts/habits about themselves. - People who are tagged need to write on their own blog about their eight things and post these rules. - At the end of your blog, you need to choose eight people to get tagged and list their names. - Don’t forget to leave them a comment telling them they’re tagged, and to read your blog. I don't think these are really secrets, especially if you read my B L O G S. But here goes: 1. I'm a big fan of the John Lloyd Cruz and the Kaye Abad. 2. Although I was raised and have lived most of my life in Davao City, (it's painful to admit this) I was born in the City of Manila, at the Ospital ng Maynila. ARGH!!! 3. I don't like pink. Pink is not my favorite color but I have a lot of pink clothes, bags and other stuff because for some reason people insist on giving me pink stuff. 4. My favorite numbers are 2, 4, and 8. 5. My…
Pisay the Movie by Aureus Solito
When my friend told me about the Pisay Movie, I was apprehensive. I didn't know what to feel. But when I learned that Aureus Solito (of the "Ang Pagdadalaga ni Maximo Oliveros" fame) made the movie I suddenly felt ecstatic. The movie might not wholly reflect how my high school experience was, but I think it might be a good approximation. I haven't told anybody but it was my secret wish to make an indie film about studying in Pisay. Movie description: Amidst the chaos of Martial Law, eight teenagers in the top high school for the sciences discover themselves as they go through the joys and pains of adolescence. Part of the top 200 students from all over the Philippines who passed the examination for the Philippine Science High School, an institution created for the purpose of giving a highly-enriched education in the Sciences to exceptionally gifted Filipino children. Selected from the best and brightest from all over the country, they endure college-level courses in biology, chemistry, mathematics, and physics from their sophomore year onwards. Those who can make it are hailed as the future science and technology leaders of the New Republic. They all learn, however, that they…
Love is a Gamble
As with most other things in life, love is a gamble, a risk. The bigger the risk you take, the bigger the pay-off or the loss you suffer. There are no guarantees, the odds are never certain, and most of the time, what you end up with is so much more (or less) fulfilling than you expected. The results assault all your senses, and it hits every part of you, physically, emotionally, intellectually, spiritually. Whether the outcome of the gamble is positive or negative, it leaves you overwhelmed, as if you've been ran over by a ten-wheeler truck.
Back in Business
...I hope. My laptop is doing ok na. I think... Back to blogging, surfing and working na. Huhu...